Saturday, October 17, 2015

Techniques for the fulfillment of the learning strategy

There are five types of general strategies in education. The first three help the student to write and organize content so that learning becomes easier (processing of information). The fourth strategy is destined to control the student's mental activity in order to direct learning, and lastly, the fifth supports learning so takes place in the best possible circumstances.
Practice strategies
It's those strategies that involve active repetition of contents (speaking or writing), or focusing on key parts of it. Examples:
Repeating things out loud, mnemonic rules, copying the material to be learned, taking literal notes, outlining.
Creation strategies.
They involve making connections between what's new and what's known. For example:
Paraphrasing, summarizing, creating analogies, taking non-literal notes, answering questions (the ones included in the text or questions formulated by the student), describing how the new information relates to the already acquired knowledge.
Organization strategies.
They group the information to make remembering it easier.
They involve setting up a structure for the learning content, dividing it into parts and identifying relationships and hierarchies. They include examples such as:
Summarizing a text, diagram, outlining, semantic network, conceptual map, ordered tree, etc. 
Comprehension control strategies.
These are the strategies connected to metacognition. They involve being aware about what you're trying to accomplish, following the strategies used and their success, and adapting your conduct accordingly.
If we used a metaphor and compared the mind to a computer, these strategies would act as the central processing unit. They form a system that supervises the student's actions and thoughts, and they're characteristic for their high level of awareness and will.
Some of the metacognitive strategies we can find are: planning, regulation and evaluation.

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